



  • 俄亥俄州的信贷


  • 健康科学


  • 古巴


  • 春假




Please note: Accepted students must have a valid passport by 2024年11月1日 to ensure timeliness for receiving a 古巴n visa necessary for the program. 







让自己沉浸在这门语言中, culture and 历史 of 古巴 as you explore the 古巴n health care system for one week over spring break.

古巴 is a dynamic nation with a health care system that has much to teach Americans. Experience this beautiful island country and its people as they begin their own journey out of decades of isolation. 学习如何, 尽管资源有限, 古巴 built a health care system k现在n for its emphasis on prevention, 普遍性, 城乡一体化, and a commitment to train health providers from other low-resource countries. Interact with local health care professionals at clinics in Havana and in a nearby rural village. 探索文化, 历史, 远景, 口味, 哈瓦那之声, 一座古老而又充满活力的海边城市.


  • Guest lectures from medical providers across multiple disciplines (e.g., 初级护理, 运动医学, tropical disease) and public health experts that discuss prevention and management approaches (natural and traditional medicine as well as contemporary medicine) of several burdensome health diseases and conditions 
  • Historical guided tour of  Old Havana and the Malécon (古巴’s famous seawall)
  • 萨尔萨舞和古巴舞蹈课
  • 经典汽车车库参观和游览
  • Trips to La Fábrica de Arte 古巴no (night club and art gala) and and San Jose Art Fair


  • Due to requirements to get the 古巴签证 and book group airfare, 参加者须持有护照 2024年11月1日. Applicants should apply immediately as this process can take several months. 
  • Cell-phone access/Wifi can vary/be limited due to the continuing development of 古巴n infrastructure. 更多细节将在培训期间提供.


与其他学生一起住宿 residencias–private rooms with shared space in 古巴n families’ homes. Breakfast will be taken together in the home where you’re staying; lunch will be with the group between activities while students will venture out each evening for dinner as a group. Residencias are located right off one of the main thoroughfares in the Havana neighborhood of Vedado. In each residencia, students will be housed in double, triple or quad rooms, sharing a bathroom. Each residencia has a small safe/security box for students' valuables.




学生 register for 3 credits of undergraduate or graduate credit. 学生可在以下选项中任选其一:   

  • IHS 3222:比较卫生系统(3俄亥俄学分)
  • IHS 5222:比较卫生系统(3俄亥俄学分)


The program fee for this program includes: Student airfare, 住宿, 古巴签证, 早餐每天, 五组餐, 机场转移, 远足, 前往所有项目相关活动的交通工具, 欢迎晚宴, 以及国际医疗健康保险.

除了项目费用之外, 学生应计划3个学时的学费*, 行政费用, 还有自付费用. Below is the student budget worksheet for this program, which outlines these costs.  

Undergraduate Student Budget Worksheet - 春假 2025

Graduate/HCOM Student Budget Worksheet - 春假 2025

与项目无关的项目(如. 更多的娱乐, 纪念品, 额外的旅行, contingency funds) are not included in the cost estimates provided and should be budgeted for separately.  


  • 如果你被选中参加这个项目, you will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit of $500 (to be credited to student’s program fees) as part of the acceptance process/to confirm participation. This deposit is a down payment on the total costs to be billed by 俄亥俄州 and is determined by the total cost of the program.
  • For programs completed over winter-break and spring break, the credit-hours associated with the program are part of the spring semester. 学生需要12到20个雅典校园学时, 包括那些与该计划有关的人, will not incur additional tuition costs for the spring semester. 学生 taking less than 12 or more than 20 雅典 campus credits for the spring term will see their tuition charge adjusted accordingly.  
  • 由于古巴签证的要求, a group flight from Columbus will be arranged and all participants must arrive and depart on the prearranged flights. 


More information on financial aid and scholarships can be found on our 资金的页面. 



  • Personal Statement - "Why are you interested in this experience and what do you hope to gain by participating?"
  • 联系 Information for a reference who may be contacted regarding your application.
  • A brief Zoom interview with the program directors is required.


俄亥俄州医疗中心开放, 护理, and other health professions students with junior or senior standing in good academic standing (Heritage College) or at least a 3.总绩点0.

学生 who will be on probation at any point during the program for a conduct offense that took place less than a calendar year from the program start date may not study abroad. 阅读完整的行为准则   

Participants must have a at least a high school diploma or the equivalent (e.g. GED) by the start date of the program to be considered for eligibility.  学生 enrolled in College Credit Plus (CC+) are not eligible for study away programs.


U.S. 公民必须持有有效的美国护照.S. 在美国境外旅行时必须携带护照. If you plan to study or travel abroad in the next year,  申请护照  现在. Some countries also require a visa to legally enter or reside in the country. 入境和出境要求可以在网站上找到 U.S. 美国国务院网站.

U.S. 公民  需要签证才能进入古巴. OGO's partner, API, will advise and supports students with the visa process. Please familiarize yourself with these recommendations and requirements prior to applying to this program. Note: This is why passport information is needed in early November. 

For more specific visa related information, please visit OGO’s  签证信息页面 

信息  班.S. 公民
