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医学生援助计划委员会为医学生提供两项主要服务:为日常压力源提供健康支持,为因潜在物质使用或重大精神健康问题而遭受损害的学生提供康复援助. MSAP委员会将提供协助, support, 协调转介疑似身体缺陷的学生, psychological, 和/或物质使用障碍,但不会诊断或提供治疗这些情况.


MSAP委员会的投票成员应由七(7)名成员组成, all of whom are appointed by the executive dean: at least one member from the clinical departments; at least one member from the non-clinical departments; at least one administrative staff member; at least one member per campus site; and at least one member from the Office of Inclusion. The term limit and term length do not apply to this committee; committee members negotiate term length and renewal with their supervisors/department chairs, 与MSAP主席和执行院长合作.

Appointed Members

约瑟夫·比安科博士,主席 Non-clinical 3rd term ends 6/30/24
Kelly Coon Adami, DO Clinical  
安德里亚·布伦森,马萨诸塞州,NBC-HWC (Dublin) Administrative  
Nick Okada, PhD Clinical
Rachel Moore, MEd (Cleveland) Administrative  
Leslie Consitt, PhD Non-clinical  

Ex Officio

Sarah Gaskell, PhD (都柏林),包容办公室代表

