

Responsibilities of a Research Mentor 


  • Ensure that all newbb电子平台 and 传统的大学 research policies and procedures are followed.
  • Be committed to the mentoring of the student and to the education and training of the student as a future member of the scientific community.
  • Help to plan and direct the student’s project, set reasonable and attainable goals and establish a timeline for completion of the project or the student’s role in the project.
  • Be committed to meeting one-on-one with the student on a regular basis.
  • Provide for every student an environment that is intellectually stimulating, 情感上的支持, 安全无骚扰.
  • Be committed to providing resources for the student for them to conduct research.
  • Require the student to share common research team responsibilities and utilize resources carefully and frugally.
  • Discuss authorship policies regarding papers with the student.
  • Acknowledge the student’s scientific contributions to the research and work with the student to publish their work in a timely manner.
  • Discuss intellectual property issues with the student regarding disclosure, patent rights and publishing research discoveries.
  • Encourage the student to attend scientific/professional meetings and try to secure and facilitate funding for such activities.
  • Help the student prepare an abstract and poster representing their research results performed under your supervision.
  • Require the student to exhibit professional behavior and conduct research in keeping with the principles and guidelines of professionalism as described in the 传统的大学 Code of Professional Standards. 

OMS Research and Scholarly Activity Policy and Project Registration 

传统的大学 政策7.11 requires that all medical students follow all newbb电子平台 and 传统的大学 research policies and procedures, including registering their research and scholarly activities with the 研究和资助办公室 through Salesforce prior to beginning the project. Helpful information and instructions can be found on the 研究活动登记 webpage. Please read the policy carefully to ensure that all requirements are met prior to engaging in research or scholarly activity. 

Medical Student Research and Scholarly Activity 资源

This website provides helpful information for medical students including research and scholarly activity opportunities, 资金的机会, training and research compliance requirements, and information regarding case reports. 

OMS Research and Scholarly Activity Website

传统的大学 双学位课程

The 传统的大学 offers programs for students with interests in combining their medical education with a degree in research, business, 生物医学或公共卫生. 


newbb电子平台 Student Research and Creative Activity

Opportunities for students at OHIO including the Student Expo, 科学咖啡馆, fellowships and research internships, 以及内部奖励. 


Post a Student Research Opportunity

Faculty members can submit research opportunities for which they are willing to accept medical students. This information will be posted on the Medical Student Research Website. 
