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When NASA's SpaceX Commercial Resupply Mission-22 launches from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on June 3, 它将把newbb电子平台的两项实验带到国际空间站.

这两个实验有一个共同的焦点——都是研究基因对微重力环境的反应. 了解神经和肌肉是如何保持健康的,以及植物是如何生长的,对美国宇航局将宇航员送入更长时间的太空飞行的任务至关重要.

On Earth, for example, gravity is why plants send roots down, and it provides the resistance for muscles to push against.

由于国际空间站的空间紧张,俄亥俄的研究小组使用了一种叫做 Caenorhabditis elegans to study nerve and muscle health, and tiny Arabidopsis seedlings to look at plant growth.

In both the worms and the plants, RNA是“任务控制”,决定在太空微重力环境中会发生什么.

Dr. Sarah Wyatt leads the Arabidopsis experiment and is professor of Environmental & Plant Biology in the College of Arts & Sciences. Wyatt also chairs the interdisciplinary Molecular & Cellular Biology program at OHIO. Dr. Nathaniel Szewczyk 领导肌肉研究项目,是骨科传统基金会Ralph S. Licklider, D.O., Endowed Professor in Molecular Medicine in the Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is also principal investigator of the Ohio Musculoskeletal & Neurological Institute and a member of MCB.

The SpaceX 22 flight is scheduled for June 3 at 1:29 p.m. EDT, pending weather conditions.

 "It's amazing to think that 56 years ago on June 3, 1965, Gemini 4 launched, 伴随着美国第一次太空行走和第一次使用休斯顿的任务控制中心," said OHIO President M. Duane Nellis. "Now, on June 3, 2021, 我们将看到一枚可重复使用的SpaceX火箭将newbb电子平台的两个研究项目带到国际空间站,其任务是发现更多关于生命的RNA组成部分和重力对植物和动物的吸引力. And it was Ohio University alumnus Dr. Venki Ramakrishnan who recently won the Nobel Prize for helping to decipher the riddle of the ribosome that enables these genetic experiments."

12 Days in the Veggie Unit on the International Space Station

NASA announced in 2019 怀亚特的研究小组在国际空间站上进行了第四次实验,她因此获得了奖项。目前美国正在为登月和火星任务做准备.

This time her team is sending up square Petri plates of Arabidopsis 种子粘在薄膜上,薄膜铺在潮湿的营养琼脂上,以支持种子的生长. 盘子将在冷袋中发射,以防止种子发芽. 宇航员将打开冷袋,把盘子装进国际空间站蔬菜舱的架子上,开始实验. 12天后,宇航员将从琼脂上取下薄膜,并将其和微小的植物冷冻起来,为返回地球做准备.


Dr. Sarah Wyatt and Dr. Alexander Meyers standing in front of the NASA Headquarters sign
Drs. 莎拉·怀亚特和亚历山大·迈耶斯在美国宇航局总部的标志前摆姿势拍照. Photo courtesy of Sarah Wyatt

"The plants will come down frozen to preserve the seedlings. 这样一来,当它们到达这里时,我们就能把芽和根分开了," said Wyatt, 他补充说,在国际空间站上,宇航员也使用蔬菜单元进行“采摘和食用”作物实验.

Her team will analyze all the RNA in the seedlings — the small, 调控rna以及总mrna和附着在核糖体上的mrna. “这是这次飞行中真正新颖的部分,因为附着在核糖体上的mRNA被制成蛋白质, and proteins are the workhorses that build the body. 因此,我们正试图更接近mrna实际上是用来制造蛋白质的,”怀亚特说.

科学家们曾经认为,所有的mrna都被翻译成蛋白质,但事实并非如此. "Several years ago, 科学家们发现了这种被称为RNAi或RNA干扰的机制,这可能是抵御病毒的结果." Wyatt recommends a Nova video for an easy, graphic picture of RNAi.

核糖体是一种由RNA和蛋白质组成的分子,是蛋白质合成的场所. “有各种各样的mrna注定会被破坏或降解,实际上不会产生蛋白质. It may seem like kind of a wasteful system, but it’s not. 这是一个非常优雅的系统,可以在不同的时间和不同的发育阶段产生不同的组织和反应," Wyatt said. And along the way, some mRNA gets "chewed up."

"Once we have all RNAs, 我们希望确定调控机制,决定产生哪些mrna被翻译成蛋白质,以及在微重力下如何调节."

Working with Wyatt in her lab are Dr. Alexander Meyers; two graduate students, Gbolaga Olanrewaju and Samantha Fedoush; and three undergrads, Calvin Coffin (biochemistry), Andrew Stauffer(计算机科学)和Victoria Swiler(荣誉辅导学院). Coffin and Stauffer will be entering the M.S. in Plant Biology program in the fall.

Follow the Wyatt Lab on Facebook.


Szewczyk专注于肌肉衰退的遗传控制,最近是对太空飞行的反应. 他的研究探讨了随着年龄增长,不运动和饮食对肌肉健康的影响, 肌肉萎缩症的新疗法和外源性硫化氢在延长寿命和改善健康中的作用.

最近,他的实验包括将蠕虫送入太空,观察它们的肌肉在微重力下的反应. For example, earlier this year the Micro-16 research mission 使用一种名为NemaFlex的小型化力测量硬件来研究国际空间站上的肌肉力量.

His current experiment Molecular Muscle Experiment 2 will fly 3 million worms. 这些蠕虫将被分成几个实验,旨在继续了解控制太空中神经和肌肉健康的基因,以及测试某些药物和营养治疗是否能改善太空中的肌肉和神经健康.

“我们很高兴能领导一项涉及五个国家研究人员的实验. 我们的实验将检验增加对肌肉的神经信号是否会改善太空中的肌肉健康,” Szewczyk said. “我们的合作伙伴将探索肌肉和神经健康的其他方面, including other potential therapies in space. The worm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) is a flight-proven and cost-effective model organism. The body wall muscles of C. elegans 结构是否与人类骨骼肌相似,力产生和传递的细胞机制是否相似, 使我们能够理解导致宇航员肌肉力量丧失的机制."

The experiment also will "be the first UK national payload. This is a really exciting development for the UK, 特别是它为国际空间站提供商业通道的能力," Szewczyk said.

Amanda Scott, a medical student at the Heritage College, 一直在忙着为所有因COVID-19而无法旅行的国际合作伙伴照看蠕虫.

Follow Szewczyk’s experiment on Twitter.

May 26, 2021
Lori Bauer