University Community

Division of 多样性 and Inclusion to host OHIO graduate for Hispanic Heritage Month and LGBTQ History Month Keynote event

俄亥俄州的 Multicultural Center, LGBT Center, Women’s Center and the Black Student Cultural Programming Board will co-host OHIO graduate Samantha Flores for a combined Hispanic Heritage Month and LGBTQ History Month keynote event on Friday, 10月. 7, from 6:00  – 8:00 p.m. at the Academic Engagement Center (29 Park Place) and online via Microsoft Teams.

To attend virtually register here

The title of Flores’ keynote presentation will be “Learning, 服务, 多样性, and Social: Celebrating Hispanic Heritage and LGBTQ+ History Months. “

About Samantha Flores

Samantha Flores graduated from Ohio University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in English. As a queer woman of color, she is an advocate for education, 服务, 多样性, and social justice who empowers communities through her leadership. Her personal and professional experiences have taught her that 多样性 and inclusion increase innovation, engagement, and effectiveness in advocacy and 服务 work.

After graduating from Ohio University, Flores began working on the issue of food insecurity by serving as an AmeriCorps VISTA and later as a Community Outreach worker for the Greater Cleveland Food Bank before moving to South Korea in 2013. During her five years overseas, she gained a greater understanding of intercultural communication and understanding related to educational practice and organizational structure. Flores currently serves as the Director of Program & Partner 服务s at Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio, overseeing a Partner Charity network of 140+ programs and key strategic initiatives such as a food policy council and the development of a supportive community hub space. She is heavily involved in steering the direction of the organization's commitment to DEI practices and a trauma-informed care approach to 服务. 

About Hispanic Heritage Month

Beginning in 1968, each year Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15日至10月. 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, 墨西哥, the Caribbean and Central and South America.

The 2022 national Hispanic Heritage Month Observance theme is "Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation." The theme, which is offered each year by the National Council of Hispanic Employment Program Managers, encourages us to ensure that all voices are represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation.

Learn more about 俄亥俄州的 Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration.

About LGBTQ History Month

10月ober is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) History Month. Missouri high school history teacher Rodney Wilson created the event in 1994 to commemorate National Coming Out Day on 10月. 11, as well as the first and second March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights in 1979 and 1987.

LGBTQ+ History Month allows the opportunity to learn about sexuality and gender diverse people in history, LGBTQ+ liberation movements, and what LGBTQ+ history can teach us about working for 尊重 and freedom. 

Learn more about 俄亥俄州的 LGBTQ History Month Celebration.

September 28, 2022
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