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students hiking
社区 Education Workshops

社区 Education Workshops

社区 Education workshops are open to the general public regardless of educational background. These classes are self-supporting, and the fees collected from 社区 Education cover all instructional, administrative, and overhead cost of the program.  

All ages are welcome, unless noted.

社区 Education workshops do not carry credit applicable toward an Ohio University degree or transferable to other institutions. Classes are scheduled year-round.

Floral arranging? 钩编? 流苏花边? 水晶球? Leather Accessories? Do any of these interest you? Are there any types of workshops you would like to see offered at 俄亥俄州 南部? Please give us your feedback!

Suggest a Workshop

Fundamentals of Canoeing

Saturday, September 14 and Saturday, September 28
11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Introduces participants to the knowledge and skills needed to safely and enjoyably canoe on gentle rivers, 湖泊, and other calm protected flatwater settings

Instructor: Adam Wilson




Sunday, September 15 and Sunday, September 29
1 – 4 p.m.

Introduces participants to the knowledge and skills needed to safely and enjoyably experience both short and extended day-hiking experiences. Topics include trip planning, equipment selection and use, fitness and nutrition, navigation and travel techniques, water treatment, waste disposal, environmental ethics, and safety and risk management.

Instructor: Adam Wilson



Refund Policy
Full refunds are given for cancellations made before the registration deadline of each workshop.  Cancellations received after the registration deadline will not receive a refund, as materials have already been purchased and preparations made for the workshop.

If you are unable to attend, registration can be transferred to another attendee for the same workshop. Send new attendee’s information: name, email, & *date of birth to 特蕾莎修女史密斯.

Registrations cannot be transferred to another workshop.

If a workshop is canceled due to low enrollment, registrants will be notified in advance and full refunds will be issued.

*DOB is needed for mixology workshops only.

特蕾莎修女史密斯 | 740.533.4550