


newbb电子平台理解并重视个人健康和福祉是我们社区成功和生产力的关键. Employees are encouraged to utilize the various resources available to them. 

You can use the icons below to find the specific resource you might be looking for. Or, 如果您只是想了解更多关于各种可用资源的信息, continue scrolling through this page to explore. 





    newbb电子平台的员工援助计划(学术用途英语)和工作/生活计划是通过影响行为保健服务提供的. 功能咨询, 危机干预, 以及金融领域的指导, 育儿, 时间管理, 饮食失调, 悲伤, 同性恋问题, 工作关注和工作/生活平衡. Use company code "俄亥俄州u" to create a new account. 



    The 心理与社会工作诊所 offers individual, 集团, 夫妻, 婚姻, 家庭治疗, along with 育儿 assistance and screenings or assessments related to dementia, 注意力缺陷多动症, 学习障碍, 神经心理学, and cognitive and intellectual ability. 他们与许多受欢迎的保险项目联网,并提供有关其费用的预先信息.



    If you are struggling to take time out for yourself right now, 试着把健康看作是一种特殊的享受,你可以在任何一天都享受. This mindset can help make it easier to adopt lifelong healthy habits. Start small by trying out a few 5-, 10-, and 15-minute healthy break ideas. 



    The web-based worksheet linked here can be used for assessing self-care. This survey is not exhaustive, merely suggestive. 请随意添加与你相关的自我护理领域,并根据这些天你照顾自己的频率和程度给自己打分. Responses are anonymous and you can opt to have your results emailed to you.

Additional 精神健康 资源: 




    在这6个模块的程序中, you will not only learn the foundations of 用心饮食, but also 如何 to use these concepts when eating for your best health, 外出就餐, 还有饮食计划. 作为参与者, you will look at the reasons why you eat and gain the tools, 技能, and support you need to avoid emotional eating. You will learn to listen to your body’s cues and 如何 to best respond them. 提供了便利。 路易斯·克鲁兹注册会计师,LD



    我们发现,当谈到营养时,许多人知道他们“应该做什么”,但事实并非如此 如何 to do it in a way that fits their lifestyle. 实际的营养 will provide you with the “如何” that you have been looking for. You will learn new 技能 and get fresh ideas to improve your nutrition intake. You will also walk away with delicious recipes to try with your family.



    Navigating health care can be confusing! 健康导航器 provides: education and 指导 for medical questions; assistance in navigating the health care system; and access to an expansive advisory network. 经验丰富的顾问为您的医疗保健指导和教育您关于药物的问题, 诊断, 任命, 医疗程序等.



    newbb电子平台的福利合作伙伴, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Impact Solutions, have online and telehealth resources available. 参与福利的员工/配偶/伴侣可以通过Anthem LiveHealth Online或Anthem网络中医生使用的其他远程医疗技术进行远程医疗访问.



    糖尿病研究所提供糖尿病教育和预防课程,结合了虚拟和面对面的小组设置. Whether you have been diagnosed with diabetes or told you have prediabetes, these programs will help you gain the knowledge, 技能 and confidence you need to prevent or manage diabetes.

Additional physical well-being resources: 





    newbb电子平台 employees can enjoy discounts on products and services such as: 

    • 手机计划与AT&T, Verizon和Sprint
    • 颜料来自Sherwin Williams
    • 在哥伦布机场停车
    • 技术(在newbb电子平台仓库)


    获得各种日常消费的独家折扣,如酒店住宿, 电影票, 家居装饰, 电器, 车辆, 食品杂货, 花, 服装, 技术, 和更多的. 你还可以浏览有关运动等常见健康话题的直播和预先录制的视频, 燃料, 复苏, 以及压力管理. 




    专业发展途径 provides tools, 指导, 为希望投资于人才发展和职业发展的员工和主管提供学习机会. 通过这个项目, 能力(知识, 技能, and behaviors) required for success are clearly defined, 专门设计的培训和衔接项目为发展之旅增添了结构和刺激, 鼓励有意义的发展讨论和在职学习经验. 



    newbb电子平台自豪地提供支持专业和教育目标的教育福利. 福利包括学费的教学费用部分,如果员工是兼职,则按比例分配. Non-residency fees, if applicable, are also waived for eligible employees. 对于与员工当前职位直接相关的课程作业,一般费用可按课程减免.





    The university ombudsperson is a confidential, 中性, and informal resource available to assist any member of the university community.



    俄亥俄州为教职员工提供了包括编程在内的各种参与机会, 大学的参议院, 亲和力的组织, and professional development programs. 



    让雅典靠近你的心,保持参与这些虚拟活动,可以在家里完成! 独自一人,与家人在家里,或者与远方的朋友在网上玩得开心.

Additional social/community resources: 





    学习安全和健康工作环境的最佳做法可以改善你的情绪, 幸福感和生产力. Those who sit at a desk can assess their keyboard and monitor placement. Those on their feet should examine their movement and lifting practices. 



    newbb电子平台致力于成为全国高等教育中环境可持续性的领导者. 了解更多关于可持续发展的机构努力,成为机构和区域可持续发展行动的贡献者. 


WellWorks has expanded their wellness center to include virtual memberships. After all, it's not their physical space that makes them awesome, it's their members! Employees who use SSO receive a 30% discount ($7/month)!



    你应该去按摩一下. The WellWorks licensed massage therapist can help you: get relief from muscle pain and soreness; alleviate stress, and; detoxify—both mentally and physically. Services range from deep tissue to isometric stretching and relaxation. 按摩是开放给任何人,方便位于格罗弗中心在雅典校园.



    As life changes, so do eating habits. WellWorks可以提供帮助! Whether you're focused on management of chronic disease, 从饮食紊乱中恢复, navigating food allergies and sensitivities, 运动营养, 或者体重管理, 露易丝·克鲁兹, LD  can guide you to make healthy food choices that fit in to your traditions, 文化与生活方式.



    你的目标很重要. 有时, 虽然, it can be difficult to organize your values, 信仰, 优先级和目标可以帮助你明确下一步要走的方向. 当你到达了人生旅途中需要一点额外支持的时候, 健康教练可以帮助你处理你的想法,以确定你的目标和需求. 





    任何有资格通过大学获得福利的大学员工以及该个人的配偶或伴侣都可以参加WellWorks 100天挑战. 符合条件的会员在一年内访问100次(每天限制1次),将获得年度设施会员资格. This is a taxable benefit paid for by Human 资源. 



    降低风险计划向参与者介绍积极生活方式的基础和运动的基本原理, 燃料和休息有利于健康. The program includes weekly cohort meetings, 体力活动支持, 教育材料, sessions with the WellWorks 营养 Counselor and program-specific yoga classes. 



    我们发现,当谈到营养时,许多人知道他们“应该做什么”,但事实并非如此 如何 to do it in a way that fits their lifestyle. 实际的营养 will provide you with the “如何” that you have been looking for. You will learn new 技能 and get fresh ideas to improve your nutrition intake. You will also walk away with delicious recipes to try with your family.



    在这6个模块的程序中, you will not only learn the foundations of 用心饮食, but also 如何 to use these concepts when eating for your best health, 外出就餐, 还有饮食计划. 作为参与者, you will look at the reasons why you eat and gain the tools, 技能, and support you need to avoid emotional eating. You will learn to listen to your body’s cues and 如何 to best respond them. 提供了便利。 路易斯·克鲁兹注册会计师,LD




    newbb电子平台的员工援助计划(学术用途英语)和工作/生活计划是通过影响行为保健服务提供的. The 学术用途英语 is available to all newbb电子平台 employees and their family members. 功能包括医疗转诊、远程医疗服务和个性化医疗指导. 




    Knowing your biometric health data - such as waist circumference, 胆固醇, 身体质量指数, 血压和糖化血红蛋白血糖——可以帮助你长期保持健康. 通过了解您的健康数据趋势并利用支持资源和干预措施, you can ensure you have the ability to live all of life's adventures. 参与者必须在24财年注册维珍脉动,才能获得60美元的经济奖励.



    当符合条件的参与者使用在线/移动健康平台进行定制参与机会时,他们每年可获得高达200美元(每季度最高50美元)的收入. Whether you’re looking to improve your financial well-being, focus on your fitness or spend more time with your pets, 维珍脉冲 can help you define and meet your unique wellness goals.



    健康冠军是newbb电子平台的员工,他们希望帮助他们的同事定义, 支持并实现健康目标. 我们明白,健康对每个人来说都是一段独特的旅程,校园里的每个部门都有不同的工作场所健康机会. That's why we need advocates across all of our campuses!

Interpreting Health Screening Results



    If you participated in a health screening this year, you may have some questions about what your numbers mean and what support might exist. Check out the resources currently available to employees, spouses and partners.