

国内学生: Students registered for five (5) or more 雅典 credit hours (Includes 雅典 online, Cleveland and Dublin credit hours; excludes eCampus credit hours) will be automatically charged for the student health insurance. Students who wish to remain enrolled in the student health insurance policy must verify the charge for the student health insurance has been applied to their student account after the charges for their classes have been posted. Students that are not automatically charged for the student health insurance will require 自愿报名. 见下文.

重要提示: Students who change their class schedule prior to the 开放登记/Waiver deadline 可能需要 自愿报名 学生健康保险. 请查看您的学生帐户,以确认是否需要自愿注册.

国际学生: Students registered for (1/2) or more credit hours will be automatically charged for the 学生健康保险 Policy upon registration.

*Students enrolled in an alternate health insurance policy may complete the online waiver application through their My俄亥俄州学生中心 prior to the posted deadline. 看到 豁免信息.


Students automatically charged for the 学生健康保险 DO NOT need to submit an enrollment form.

  • 我们鼓励自动缴纳学生健康保险的学生 确认他们的注册 using the link provided in the emails sent to them from the University Waiver/Enrollment Auditor, ECI服务. 发送邮件的邮箱地址为: Ohio@elev834.com. Emails are generally sent the day after charges are applied to the student account and on Wednesday mornings until the Waiver Deadline. 请记得检查你的垃圾邮件和垃圾邮件文件夹.
    • Confirming enrollment will expedite the student's enrollment information to the insurance company for processing.
    • Confirming enrollment will provide access to the health insurance ID card and electronic verification of benefits.
    • Students that do not 确认他们的注册 will not have access to their ID card and electronic verification of benefits until after the Waiver/开放登记 Deadline.
    • Coverage will be backdated by the insurance company to be effective on the first day of the current coverage period.
  • 学生课程表的变化, 比如减少学时, 类的变化, 或者校园位置, 可能需要 自愿报名 学生健康保险.
  • 请务必查看您的学生帐户以验证是否 自愿报名 是必要的.
    • 自愿报名 requires submission of an enrollment form during the designated 开放登记 period 每学期.
    • 自愿登记按收到的顺序进行处理.
    • 自愿登记不会自动继续.


Voluntary enrollment requires an enrollment form to be dated and submitted during the designated 开放登记 期. 自愿登记不会自动继续. (见 保险费率和保险期限 公开报名日期.)


  • All 家属; 见下文
  • All Qualifying Life Event Enrollments (QLE); see below
  • Domestic students registered for less than (5) 雅典 credit hours (Includes 雅典 online credits)
  • 电子学习/ eccampus学生(不同于在线课程)
  • Regional campus students; 见下文 (Cleveland & 都柏林学生自动收费)
  • 毕业前参加OPT的学生 (毕业后不适用)
  • Students enrolling in the student insurance after receiving an approved waiver during the same academic year
  • Students enrolled in a program of study that is not automatically assessed the fee for the student health insurance
  • 国际访问学者(见下文)
  • 如果没有注册夏季学分,则可以获得夏季保险



从属登记是自愿的,不会自动继续. It is student responsibility to submit a completed enrollment form for their dependents during 开放登记 每学期的课时.

雅典 and Regional campus students are eligible to enroll their dependents 学生健康保险 policy on a 自愿的 基础. 家属 are eligible to enroll for coverage 期 in which the student is also enrolled in the student health insurance. Students may purchase only the current coverage period for their dependents during 开放登记. The premium amount for dependent coverage is applied to the student's University account. Students not enrolled in Summer semester credit hours may voluntarily enroll themselves and their dependents in the Summer coverage period. Premiums for Summer coverage must be prepaid to the student account if the student is not enrolled in Summer semester credit hours.


Students who experience a 资格生活项目(QLE) are eligible to enroll in the student health insurance on a prorated 基础 after the open enrollment deadline if they meet the eligibility requirements. QLE enrollments will be prorated on a weekly/monthly 基础 from the date of the QLE until the start of the next predetermined coverage period.

符合条件的生活事件包括:离婚, 婚姻, 孩子的出生或收养, 失去健康保险.

请通过电子邮件与学生健康保险管理员联系 studentinsurance@俄亥俄州.edu 关于QLE入学的信息. QLE注册需要特殊的注册表格. 本网站的报名表格不适用于QLE报名.

The deadline to complete a QLE enrollment is 30 days from the date of the Qualifying Life Event.


Students taking at least (5) credit hours through any OU campus (or a combination of campuses) are eligible to enroll 学生健康保险 on a 自愿的 在基础 开放登记 每学期的课时. 覆盖不会自动继续. Students may purchase only the current coverage period during the posted 开放登记 period. 保险费将存入学生的大学账户.

* Dublin and Cleveland courses are automatically charged for the 学生健康保险 upon registration of (5) or more credit hours and do not require an enrollment form to be completed unless enrolling dependents


访问ing Scholars that are not credit bearing students and will only be on campus temporarily, 是否有资格自愿购买学生健康保险.

Enrollment requires a special enrollment form to be completed that is not located on our website.

The premium amount for the insurance must be paid at the time of enrollment directly to the insurance company. 访问ing Scholars must contact the 学生健康保险 Office at the University at: studentinsurance@俄亥俄州.edu 完成他们的注册.
